edited: Wed. 06 Dec 2023, J Gresham

The Internet is a Climate Sensitivity Multiplier.

I am a creative nonfiction writer. I believe that employing reason and evenly distributing resources, opportunities, and goods to areas of global poverty could socialize the global market which is also a network that is a function of the Internet; where producers would output feedback. With the correct military alliances, I believe that we can have a global Internet secured with the ethics of free software, open web standards and largely scaled technological projects; all with global distributive justice in the global community.

Law as we have it cannot predict the unexpected intentions of criminals like Ted Bundy without psychology because law is Kantian and so, it judges the guilty by their actions instead. A legal framework based on Discourse Ethics would include rationalist reasoning with morality as separately derived rather than normative universalist rationality. It would not see morality as embedded in the ways of life of individual actors because of the philosophy of a man named Habermas. Discourse Ethics would be interesting in government, but as I may argue: decision-making in this government refers to a process of socialization of feedback producers under a culture of globalization.

Evenly distributing resources, opportunities, and goods to areas of global poverty may socialize the global market or network as a function of the Internet expressed as the global economy; and producers would output feedback through collective decision-making. Because of globalization and global carbon emissions produced through socialization of the global network of decision-making producers: climate sensitivity would increase.

Jonathan Matthew Gresham

Hutchings, K. (2018). Global ethics : an Introduction. Polity.

Climate sensitivity. (2023, September 25). Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_sensitivity

Buddhism - Historical development. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Buddhism/Historical-development