Ethical Claims, Leviticus and Hierarchical Power Relations

Many people make ethical claims, but ethical claims do not arise in a vacuum (to paraphrase Kimberly Hutchings): Ethical claims are articulated in political contexts of hierarchical power relations, and their implications often have differential effects on different people's interests. Many people are political along with writings and ideas. But if the mode of existence is not thought but motion, those contexts of hierarchical power relations have their own velocity and mechanical motion to be measured and multiplied together.

Leviticus is political. I suppose that it would be a better work of art if the velocity of those power relations was increased to that of Shakespeare's time, yet different genre and different day.

Here is something using global ethical philosophy: existing dominant cultural and philosophical traditions are incapable of dealing with ethical demands posed by a globalizing/globalized world.

That is political (and is another paraphrase of Kimberly Hutchings), but it is also dogmatic (this wasn't the position of Hutchings, but someone else) because it makes reconciliation between the dominant conception of knowledge and ethics and the interconnection and interdependence of mankind impossible; it dismisses all doubt from consideration.

Kimberly Hutchings wrote "Global Ethics: An Introduction" which you can get on Ebay.

Hutchings. Kimberly. Global Ethics: An Introduction
2nd ed., Polity 2018.

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